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November 19, 2010


Application Developer

This is a great tool because it keeps kids safe while providing them with reliable and useful information. Students don't often realize that just because content is available on the internet doesn't mean it's always true.


I used this today and got great results for my student. I will be recommending this to others.


No more trips to the library. Google and Bing move over we have a sweet search tool here.

app developer

I'd like to say that even as a non-student I'm enjoying the results from SweetSearch; the standard of info in the results seems better than other search engines IMO.


I've read several reviews of this search engine on education blogs and websites. It lives up to its billing. The design could be better, but the search results for school searches are outstanding.

Shannon Miller

All my students are just wild about SweetSearch, and I can't wait to share SweetSearch4Me with them! I feel confident recommending all of Dulcinea Media's products to my 4th graders, high school students, teachers and parents alike.

Rita Nannini

As a library media specialist in New Jersey, I recently began directing 7th & 8th grade students to Sweet Search for a Global Issues Research Project, with great results. Thank you!

Karen Blumberg

I'm a middle-school teacher in NYC. As I wrote in a recent blog post (click on my name to access), I shared both SweetSearch and Yolink with the faculty and with my 8th graders. The 8th graders were really positive about both tools, as they were able to search more pointedly with Sweet Search while Yolink enabled them to scan through the results without even opening the pages. Win-Win!

Christopher Hull

*After reading your comment on my blog - I would to post a response - I agree that we should allow students to search in the best way possible and I appreciate the analogy to an athlete running with a weight vest - I will include your search engine and encourage my students to use your site - thanks again for responding to my blog. http://relativelyrandomteacherthoughts.blogspot.com

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